How to find a job in Turkey in 2023?

How to find a job in Turkey in 2023?


How to find a job in Turkey in 2023?

A list of popular professions.

Every year a large number of people from different countries, including Russians, move and try to find work in Turkey. In 2023, the figure is expected to increase by 2.5 times.

Of course, the most convenient option is online work, but this format does not suit everyone. That is why many people are wondering where they can work after moving to Turkey?

General information

Considering that there are a large number of Russian-speaking vacationers on the territory of the Turkish Republic, in this regard, Russian-speaking specialists are very much appreciated here, especially during the holiday season and in the velvet season: summer and autumn.

In Turkey, you can find a wide selection of jobs that do not require higher education. Also, many professions allow you to work without the Turkish language.

These are areas such as:

– agriculture,

– hotel business,

– construction,

– real estate sector

– restaurant business

In these areas, the device procedure is simple and very much in demand.



Work in Turkey. Animators at the hotel


Such professions are better paid, (comparing with salaries in Russia):
– animator in a hotel;
– waiter;
– hairdresser, stylist, nail service specialists, makeup artist;
– cosmetologist;
– fitness trainer;
– massage therapist;
– administrator;
– builder;
– programmer;
– engineer;
– designer.

There is also a list of professions prohibited for foreigners:

– judges;
– nurses;
– veterinarians;
– dentists;
– pharmacists;
– prosecutors;
– notaries.

There are three types of work permits:

– short-term (for 1 year);
– independent (for entrepreneurs);
– indefinite (for foreign citizens who have been working in Turkey for at least 6 years).


Work in Turkey. Work visa


Where to look for a job?

You can look for a job through acquaintances, friends, relatives, but the most popular and logical thing when you have no connections in Turkey is social networks: groups, forums on social networks.

– via VK groups;
– via Telegram channels;
– through the Internet portals of the state structures of the republic. For example, the Ministry of Labor or the Employment Service;
– with the help of job search sites: Kariyer (/?ysclid=lmyr30b61932592602), JobRapido, Iskur (, YenibirIş (, LinkedIn, SecretCV (,,,,

There is also an opportunity to find out salary information on a special website, you just need to Google.

To get a job, you need to:

– competently compose a resume;
– job selection;
– job search;
– obtaining employment consent;
– conclusion of an official employment contract with a Turkish employer;
– submission and receipt of documents for a work visa;
– obtaining a work permit, which is issued by the Ministry of Labor.

How do I confirm my qualifications?

When looking for a promising and highly paid job, it is necessary to confirm the diploma. This will be a great bonus in combination with a resume and a personal interview with the applicant.

It is necessary to confirm the diploma at the state institution YÖK (YUKSEK ÖĞRETIM KURUMU, yuksekogretim-kurulu-baskanligi) or the Higher Education Committee.

First, you need to fill out an online application on a specialized website and consent to the processing of personal data, and then go to the instance.

Since the system of higher education in Turkey differs significantly from the Russian one and includes the last 2 years of school, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, you need to confirm the certificate of school education, and only then — everything else.

To confirm your qualifications, you will need the following documents:

– a notarized copy of the diploma;
– passport and a copy of all its pages;
– original and copy of residence permit;
– a receipt stating that you have paid the state duty.

The issue of confirming foreign diplomas is dealt with by the commission, which meets for these purposes 3-4 times a year. Preparation for the commission should be taken very seriously.

There are 3 possible responses from the commission:

– The diploma is confirmed.
– Additional proof of qualification in the exam is required.
– It is necessary to undergo additional training on the missing hours.

Thus, you do not have to go into the service sector, but it is enough to continue your profession, career and develop further already on the territory of the Republic of Turkey.


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