Northern Cyprus-what kind of country is it?

Northern Cyprus-what kind of country is it?


Northern Cyprus-what kind of country is it?

Northern Cyprus is a separate country occupying part of the island of Cyprus. The highlight is that no one except Turkey recognizes this country, since the whole world believes that the island of Cyprus belongs entirely to the Republic of Cyprus. Political differences do not prevent Northern Cyprus from remaining one of the great places for a budget holiday.

How to get to Northern Cyprus?

All cities have two names, in Turkish and in Greek. The capital of the state is Nicosia (aka Lefkosha). There is no consulate in Northern Cyprus, there are no flights to/from other countries, only Turkey.

You can get from Turkey to Northern Cyprus by ferry from Alanya or by plane from Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya and Izmir.

Tourists who come to Turkey do not need a visa to visit Northern Cyprus. The mark is placed in a special insert. Tourists who have entered Northern Cyprus from Turkey are not allowed to enter the territory of Southern Cyprus. If the visa mark is put in the passport, and not in the insert, then there may be problems with obtaining a Schengen visa, entry into Greece and Southern Cyprus.

Climate and weather in Northern Cyprus

The Mediterranean climate, warm and rather dry, with precipitation mainly in the period from November to March, favors agriculture. In general, the island has mild wet winters and dry hot summers.

The high Trodos mountain range and the lower Kyrenian Mountains play an important role for the climatic conditions of Cyprus.

In summer, the island is under the influence of low pressure and the typical summer weather for the island is quite high air temperature and almost cloudless sky. There is practically no rain in summer, and if they happen, they make up no more than 5% of the total annual precipitation. The hottest summer months are July and August, when the temperature reaches 40 degrees. However, the average daily temperature ranges from 29 degrees in the plains and on the coast, and up to 22 degrees in the mountains. The average winter temperature during the day is 10 degrees, and in high mountainous areas – 3-5 degrees.

Beaches in Northern Cyprus

The beaches of Northern Cyprus are sandy with a pebble or sandy bottom. In addition to the beaches of hotels, there are many wild and deserted places where you can lie on the sand and soak up the rays of the sun in proud solitude. If you like more lively places with a rhythmic rest, then the beaches of Acapulco, Escape or Camelot Beach are suitable for you.

One of the big advantages is that there are a lot of water activities here — parasailing, banana riding, water skiing. And the most pleasant thing is that the entrance from the sea is flat and smooth, and the sand is very fine and soft. It’s great to relax with the whole family, especially with children, as there is shallow water. And for lovers of Marine life there is the famous Alagadi beach, where rare sea turtles lay eggs in summer.

Hotels and hostels in Northern Cyprus

The hotel business is well developed in Northern Cyprus, all this was inherited by Northern Cyprus from Greece. The “stardom” of hotels fully corresponds to the level of service and comfort. Hotels are very inexpensive, cozy, with excellent repair. The only wish you need to take with you to the hotel / room is an adapter — sockets in Northern Cyprus “English”, with three pins.

The big pain of northern Cyprus is the Varosha area, where luxury hotel complexes have been rebuilt. During the political conflict that split Cyprus into two parts, Varosha found herself in the thick of it — people were evacuated, and new hotels were abandoned. Almost 50 years have passed, since then no tourist has set foot here. Unfortunately, hotels are being destroyed, and beaches are overgrown with grass. All the beauty gradually turns into abandonment.

Sights of Northern Cyprus

Of course, as in any maritime country, there are plenty of attractions in Northern Cyprus. Lovers of the ancient age should definitely like the ruins of the city of Salamis. The amphitheater, Roman baths and basilicas are well preserved here.

Salamis is located near the famous city of Famagusta. In ancient times, Famagusta was a major seaport and a center of trade.

The symbol of the city is a lion, many sculptures and images of the king of beasts can be found on the streets. One of the statues is located next to the sea gate — according to legend, once a year a lion opens its mouth and whoever manages to put his hand in it at that moment will become a rich man. The story of the Othello Tower, which was built in Famagusta in the year of the discovery of America — in 1492, is curious. It is believed that it was in Famagusta that the Venetian governor Christopher Moro, a Moor by origin, lived — the tragedy that played out between him and his wife formed the basis of Shakespeare’s Othello. Now tourists can look at the ancient tower and take a lot of unforgettable and impressive photographs.

And in Lefkosh (Nicosia), you should definitely look at the mosques, especially one that was rebuilt from a Catholic cathedral.

Kyrenia is famous for its harbor and fortress. This is one of the most beautiful places in Northern Cyprus. According to legend, the fortress was conquered only by the English king Richard the Lionheart — later the monarch repeatedly came here to rest.

It is worth visiting the snow-white church of the Archangel Michael and look at the huge collection of icons in the local museum. On the mountain stands the Castle of St. Hilarion, where you can visit the museum and admire the views.

Another place with an ancient history is the monastery of the Apostle Andrew. It is located on the Karpas Peninsula. There is still water from the spring, which, according to legend, was discovered by Andrew the First-Called 2000 thousand years ago.

Cuisine and restaurants in Northern Cyprus

The cuisine of Northern Cyprus combines both Turkish and Mediterranean traditions. Seafood dishes and Turkish kebabs are popular. Much attention is paid to sweets — it is worth trying baklava, lukum, honey mixtures and cakes. Salads from fresh vegetables and fruits are inexpensive.

What to bring from Northern Cyprus?

It differs in color from mainland Turkey. Check out the local souvenirs — sheep cheese and olive oil, Lefkara lace and “raki” – an alcoholic drink of desperate strength.

As a souvenir, you can bring wicker baskets made of vines, which are made in Famagusta. They can be woven independently under the guidance of sellers, or you can immediately buy ready-made ones.

That is why Northern Cyprus is gaining momentum in buying real estate, because it is an affordable Turkey.

Contact the licensed real estate agency GURSOY HOMES for the selection of a profitable option for living and investing.

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